After the series’ initial announcement in May, Disney Plus and Star Wars released the official Tales of the Jedi trailer this Saturday from Disney’s D23 Expo. This animated anthology series is the first of its kind in the Star Wars universe. The Tales of the Jedi will consist of a six-episode season, each episode being 15 minutes long. The Tales of the Jedi series will trace the life stories and explore the different Jedi characters from the Star Wars canon prequel era. This season specifically will focus on two Jedi, Ahsoka Tano and Count Dooku.

Ahsoka Tano’s character comes from The Clone Wars animated TV series as the former Padawan of Anakin Skywalker. Ashely Eckstein will voice Ahsoka. Count Dooku, the former Jedi turned menacing Sith lord, was introduced to fans in the Star Wars prequel films played by Christopher Lee. Both characters will have three episodes in the Tales of the Jedi. Ahsoka’s episodes will take place at three different times in the Jedi’s life. Count Dooku’s episodes will give us insight into how Dooku was turned to the dark side in his youth.

You can watch the Tales of the Jedi series official trailer here.

Two Stories of Fate. One Destiny.

Tales of the Jedi releases exclusively on Disney Plus on October 26th.