As a small group of social media users viewed, Coffee Stain released a funny Goat Simulator 3 promotional related to past GTA 6 leaks. As you might remember, there were a few videos leaked from the upcoming GTA title, and they showed many details illegally. Take-Two admitted the videos actually belonged to the development process, and they fastly removed nearly all the videos on the internet. This was the biggest leak in gaming history, but the Goat Simulator 3 team thought they could use it in their promotional video. Well, Take-Two is very sensitive about their legal rights, and they’re using it. That Goat Simulator 3 ad was available on Twitter, and now probably the company is sued.

Take-Two Takes Down The Goat Simulator 3 Ad

The promotional was an edited snippet from the leaked GTA 6 footage. The video has been removed from the game’s account, but thousands of people have already viewed it. This sounds like a lastly amateur move for a game studio that sells millions of copies. As of now, that video is illegal to publish, and we don’t recommend you look for it. As you see, it’s not playable in the game’s Twitter post:

NEWS: Take-Two issued a takedown notice against the Goat Simulator video, amid to a cool marketing video which showed a edited snippet of the next GTA title from the leaks back in September.

— Ben (@videotech_) December 20, 2022

This copyright claim is more than just a problem between two companies. It also shows that Take-Two isn’t only against publishing leaked footage; they also don’t want to see any other content related to the GTA 6 leak. That’s normal because some of the source codes were visible on the videos. This might be a problem for the development team and might delay the game’s release. Even if the company had said it didn’t see any reason for a delay, it would surely lose money. Goat Simulator 3’s video might be a funny way of promoting, but Take-Two seems too sensitive for that kind of joke at this time.