Super Smash Bros Ultimate is living up to its name by obliterating sales records for team Nintendo. The fan-favorite brawler has become the fastest selling Nintendo game and set records for the highest grossing console exclusive within a 30-day period.

The Nintendo Switch absolutely dominated the 2018 holiday season in no small part to Smash Bros and other exclusives. In spite of its relatively short release period, Ultimate has sold a whopping 12.08 million copies since December 31st, 2018. Released on December 7th, that’s an exceptionally impressive sales figure. Let’s put things into perspective. Mario Odyssey was released over a month prior and its lifetime sales are just over 15 million units. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe has sold just under 14 million units sold, and that title hit shelves over a year and a half ago.

Gamers are flocking to board the Switch train, which has been made evident by the tiny consoles sales figures. As of this writing, Nintendo has reported that the Switch total lifetime sales have reached 32.27 million units. That figure far exceeds Wii U’s sales of 13.56 million and is in sight of the lifetime sales of the N64. The late 90’s console ended its run with 32.92 million units.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate will continue to draw in gamers with constant updates and character additions. From Pokemon and Animal Crossing to Fire Emblem and possibly Metroid Prime 4, there’s going to be no shortage of triple-A games. In other words, there’s going to be no slowdown for Nintendo in 2019.